Hi there,
Has anyone ever canned or boxing cold-pressed juice? I’m exploring packaging options, right now we use glass and sometimes plastic due to our glass bottles being backordered.
Hi there,
Has anyone ever canned or boxing cold-pressed juice? I’m exploring packaging options, right now we use glass and sometimes plastic due to our glass bottles being backordered.
THANK YOU for asking this question! It’s time for this! The only company I’m aware of that currently utilizes paper cartons is The Butcher’s Daughter (amazing company) located in NYC and Venice, CA.
It is my understanding that even a lined aluminum cans would be contraindicated for use with juices because of the metal’s interaction with highly acidic beverages.
I’m very interested to follow this thread and find the most sustainable solutions. Let’s brainstorm!! Any paper carton sources out there?
@Lisa and @Amanda_Desrosiers Hello I would recommend checking out Tetra Pak, They might have some options. I would think the insulation aspect of this, you would need to keep these slightly colder than standard glass or plastic bottles because of the insulation.
@AriS , it’s rare to find municipalities that recycle tetra-pak materials because of the layered construction. If you’re looking to change for sustainability and environmental reasons, I wouldn’t choose this as an option. The classic lined paper milk cartons would be more environmentally friendly. Would love to find a source for those! Any connections?
@Lisa That is great to know. I agree completely, I will definitely reach out to some contacts! I will let you know if I find out anything new. Thanks
Thank you, @AriS !!!
I’m a huge fan of the Butcher’s Daughter. I’ve only had their juice once, but did save the packaging from the juice. It’s been several years already and the box has held up empty. I did not realize that the tetra-paks were made up of all those layers. This is good info. I’ll keep searching on my end as well!