Juice cleanse formulation

How do you go about formulating a multi day juice cleanse?

I think most juice cleanses I’ve seen contain up to six different recipes, which is nice for customers to have the variety so they don’t get bored, but is that much variety really necessary from a nutritional aspect? How about a juice cleanse with only two or three recipes?

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Para una limpieza o descanso del sistema digestivo el unìco jugo imprescindible es el puro jugo verde sin fruta
ya que forzar al cliente a tomar 5 o 6 jugos cargados de fruta no lo llevaría a un descanso del sistema digestivo por un exceso de fructosa, si el cliente lo elige por propia decisiòn esta bien , sino no

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We offer 6 drinks and optional add-ons like wellness shots, CBD shots, nut mylks etc. We also give a veggie-fruit Infused purified water with each day’s Cleanse Package as the customer’s first morning hydration drink.

After getting feedback at JuiceCon 2018, we are going to expand our program to include a juice + salad cleanse option starting in January :raised_hands:.


My experience, I add alkaline water and veg soup to my program, so far my clients love it and they don’t feel overwhelmed on juicing only, in worst case scenario when they are staring into juicing, is better to go baby steps with your client. My point of view is better to earn a client and make a different on his life instead of selling a detox only.