We received a lot of really valuable feedback from attendees of JuiceCon 2018.
Here are the main takeaways I have gathered so far:
- Almost everyone loved the event and rated it “very good” or “excellent.”
- Some didn’t like having to choose between the workshop or the main speaker room.
- Experienced business owners would have liked more advanced topics and discussions, some thought the event seemed to heavily weighted towards startups. Part of the issue was that we had two of our most experienced speakers cancel short notice.
- Some would have liked to see some vendors exhibiting at the event (a trade show element).
- There were complaints about the space being too small (it was!!).
For 2019, I’m considering using the following format:
Day 1 starts with two speakers in the main room (45 min each, 1.5 hours total) then we break for separate sessions depending on if you’re s startup or an experienced business operator, you would choose which track to take.
In the afternoon, there is a one or two hour trade show exhibit where attendees can walk around and visit the sponsors / vendors of the event.
Then we all get back together for main room panels and speakers for the end of the day.
Day 2 would be similar, so people that missed day one can see the exhbitors
Because of the trade show element, we could make the days go later (until 6 instead of 5)