Employee discounts

I’m wondering what type of employee discounts other shops offer? Currently we serve juice, smoothies and smoothie bowls and I was allowing 50% off while working and 20% off when not working. But I need to put more parameters on this because some will purchase several juices at the end of a shift at half off and that was not my intent for the discount. Maybe I should do away with it all together? Just curious what works for other stores. Thank you!

We offer 50% up to 3 items/day and offer 1 free item for lunch to be on property.


Do NOT do away with the discount, it’s the worst thing you could do. I’ve worked at several different places with several different types of discounts. The second you remove discounts the employees become disgruntled, less interested in (affordable!) health options, and less interested in the mission statement. If you are still breaking even or even a profit on those sales you should be happy with that.

One place I worked at did 30% discounts and almost no one ever used it and it killed morale when we went from 1 free bulletproof coffee per day to 25% off. the amount of loss and theft went up exponentially on little things.


As a small business owner, a good employee discount is one of the only good perks I can offer. I want my employees buying as much as they would like because it keeps them healthy and also makes sure they can talk to guests about our menu from their point of view. We only have a few employees who take advantage of our discount, so we aren’t losing much overall.


We offer 1 free item/shift and a 20% employee discount if they’d like to purchase anything additionally.


We offer 1 free item of choice during a shift and 35% off all other items


I was expecting this to happen. Thanks for confirming for me. You can’t expect loyal soldiers if you’re not a loyal general. Loyalty goes both ways.